Please note the update to our Covid Case Identification to be in line with both CBE and AHS at this time. Please attach this page to the back of your Parent Handbook.
We will not be informing parents when there is a positive case within in their group of children. AHS has updated their guidelines and are no longer contract tracing, therefore we are not required to notify AHS when we have two or more simultaneous cases.
Our Program’s internal policy is as follows:
1. Parents must complete the daily health check before each attendance.
2. Parents are asked to continue to notify their child’s Teacher/Supervisor of a positive case so a thorough clean can be done.
3. A Parent will be called to take an ill child home if the child becomes unwell during Program operation.
We have sought clarification on mask requirements for children attending our programs. Preschool age programs / Pre-Kindergarten continues to follow the Health guidance issued in August 2021. Kindergarten Enhancement and Out of School Care programs follow the guidelines recently issued for the Calgary Board of Education.
All staff will continue to wear a mask at all times. Parents are asked to drop off and pick up their children wearing a mask. Children must enter and exit CBE schools wearing a mask. Children waiting in the common area of the Genesis Centre must wear a mask.
Please note the following:
Children attending Pre-Kindergarten age group programming are NOT required to wear a mask in our program, but will be supported if the parent prefers that they do. Please let the classroom Teacher know if you wish for your child to wear their mask unless having snack: Genesis Centre, Braeside, Hope Lutheran, and Sunnyside AM class.
Children attending one of our programs which is a blend of Preschool and Kindergarten age children DO have to wear a mask: Sunnyside PM class, Marion Carson AM and PM classes, and Captain John Palliser AM and PM classes.
All Kindergarten Enhancement children are expected to wear a mask. Outside mask breaks and snack breaks are an exception.
All Out of School Care children are expected to wear a mask. Outside mask breaks and snack breaks are an exception.
CBE masking guidelines have been updated as of August 18th, 2021 and are applicable to our Programs operating at Braeside, Sunnyside, Captain John Palliser and Marion Carson School locations.
As of the first day of school, all students and staff will be required to wear a mask during Program hours with the exception of snack or lunch breaks. We will further update you when guidance changes.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Lots of room to spread out at Sunnyside Out of School Care
Love our new acrylic table dividers!
Personalized and safe classroom set up!
This is what social distancing can look like!
Individual time with playdough, paint easel, and magnets
Update August 17, 2020
Recent update with regards to mask wearing.
All Kindergarten to Grade 6 students in our programs will be required to wear a mask in accordance with the provisions provided by the Calgary Board of Education. In addition, our staff will all also be wearing masks.